Acquisition audit and due diligence, including legal, tax and social audits

Acquisition audit and due diligence, including legal, tax and social audits


The acquisition audit allows for the verification of the authenticity of the information communicated by the seller, to validate the honesty and regularity of the company's accounts, and to identify potential risk areas in the presentation of the target.

This mission takes place within the context of a memorandum of understanding, before any firm commitment.

The objective of the acquisition audit is to :

  • Secure the operational investor in their project
  • Inform about all important significant elements
  • Provide strong arguments for negotiating the acquisition price
  • Target specific risks to be covered in the asset/liability warranty
  • Identify potential synergies related to the external growth operation
  • Identify post-acquisition actions to be carried out

The acquisition audit can cover, depending on the needs, aspects such as accounting and financial, tax, legal, social, or others (information systems, organization and internal control, technical).

BDO auditors prepare and secure your acquisition and/or divestiture projects by conducting a thorough diagnostic, a true decision-making tool.


Mehdi ESSAKALLI HOUSSAINI  , International Liaison Partner & Head of Risk

Mehdi Essakalli Houssaini

International Liaison Partner & Head of Risk
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Zakaria FAHIM, Managing Partner & Head of Advisory - Family Business Expert

Zakaria Fahim

Managing Partner & Head of Advisory - Family Business Expert
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